Wednesday 24 August 2016

Numerous Benefits By Eating Oranges

In Malaysia everybody love to eat mandarin oranges during the Chinese New Year celebration. They can easily found in almost every supermarket in Malaysia. They are most popular fruits around the world which can be consume as a delicious snack and appears in various dishes. In order to get more juice from this citrus fruits, they have to be warmer. Rolling the orange under the palm of our hand on a flat surface like dining table or kitchen cabinet will help to extract more juice. This wonderful juice can promoting a healthy start to the day when included in our breakfast.

Oranges also called golden apple offer numerous benefits to our health. Here are amazing benefits we can derive by eating oranges:
- boots immunity
- prevents ageing skin
- protect the eyes
- prevents cancer
- prevents heart disease
- prevent hair loss
and many more.

When you cut an orange, make sure you eat it quickly because vitamin C cannot last long or destroyed fast when exposed to air.

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